Be the next success story!

"After hiring Jimmy as my Coach, I met the most remarkable man on one of the dating apps. This situation seemed almost too good to be true. And honestly, I was scared about this new budding relationship. So I committed to working with Jimmy. It was bound to contain some valuable information. And lo and behold, I was right."

I saw a post from Jimmy about having a challenge with being vulnerable in relationships and I took the leap to trust Jimmy and his guidance. Am I glad I did so. Jimmy is understanding and patient and really kept me focused on working on me and nobody else. He helped me set some boundaries with myself to help keep me whole. Jimmy really helped me stay true to myself and helped show the way to do this moving forward while being a good partner and opening myself up in relationships. When I went off track, Jimmy brought me back to the conversation and stay focused on what I was working on for myself. I am extremely pleased with my progress and I feel fortunate I took the leap to trust in Jimmy so I can continue trusting in my future. Thank you Jimmy for all your support and your honesty during the time spent with me.
"Jimmy helped me leave an unhealthy relationship."

In Jimmy you will find a gentle soul willing to go to war for you to have what you want. A generous listener with an open heart, a playful leader who can see the humor in anything, an educated, clever, and gifted coach who will shine a light on the dark corners to show you there's nothing to be afraid of."
Int' Coach for over 100+ Men and Women from around the world.

Cal, Creative Director
Jimmy is a coach who listens with authenticity and compassion. His approach helped me spiritually, emotionally ( love life!) and professionally to reach levels that have made my life full of abundance and love. His expertise as a coach will help guide you to a better life that works for you!
Max, Lfe Coach
"I have been my own biggest block in relationships. I have been in my own way in a manner that it made it difficult for others to relate to me. I’m learning a new way of being…more authentic and vulnerable. Jimmy has helped me release some of my old unsupportive beliefs and embrace new beliefs that support what my heart desires most…..a loving relationship."

Kevin T.
"I had a really big falling out with my girlfriend and was caught in between leaving or staying had 0 ideas what I wanted to do. I reached out to a friend and I ended up getting Jimmy's number from a friend. Everything changed after meeting Jimmy. I know now that everything happens for a reason and I am so glad I worked with a coach. After working with Jimmy, I am more direct in my relations. I keep my intentions very clear with myself and the others around me. My relationship with my brother and other family members are now the best it has ever been. As a result after hiring Jimmy. I have more harmony in my life."

My 3 biggest challenges were communication with family and friends, trusting my gut, and issues with guilt.
The issues mentioned above were impacting my interactions with people that i loved in a negative way. My mindset was not set-up properly to grow and succeed. My self-doubt was inhibiting me from taking action without true conviction. I was dwelling too much on the past, and worrying too much about the future.

"I would not be in Paris if were not for Jimmy."

"Jimmy has a natural talent, and a passion for, guiding people toward fulfillment in love. We get one life to live, so go for it! Jimmy will guide you there!"
-David G, Real Estate Investeor

Reene N.
The direction my recent relationship was decent at that time. I kept saying to myself "How do I tell my boyfriend what I want?" "Why am I feeling this way in a relationship?" Not sleeping well in the night. I was worried and anxious. I wanted to know if I am in the right relationship. I have seen Jimmy as a man of integrity and power in my previous work with him. All his coachees loved him and produced great results, so I had to hire him based off of word of mouth. I finally build up the courage to take a stand for my love life and I had a direct conversation with my boyfriend and told him how I felt in the relationship. I am glad that I could share how I was feeling in the relationship. We ended the relationship becasue I finaly saw that he was not the one for me. The moment we broke up I was happier. I felt lighter. I had become "The One" for me.