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Healing from heartbreak.

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"Sometimes you have to lose something to gain something better. A door has to shut before a new door can open."

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I've been there!

 You view your failed relationships (or lack of a relationship) as a sign that you aren't meant for love, or you sometimes think that this is completely outside of your control. You've tried many things to improve your luck in love—dating sites, matchmakers, blind dates, or singles events. You've even tried not trying, and until you began to understand how you, yourself, are unconsciously getting in your own way and covertly sabotaging your chances for success in love, you'll always attract the wrong person. Isn't that exhausting?

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photos by Aleksandr Karjaka
Styling by Tavia Sharp

Do you want results? You have to do the work.


Gain Clarity

My client Matthew gain so much clarity around his blocks in love that he ended up booking his first broadway tour in The Book of Mormons.  He is now successfully dating someone and living an authentic life that is true to him.


"Too many men allow their “Nice Guy” tendencies to undermine their life…putting the needs of other people first…struggling to assert themselves to avoid tension…being unable to set and maintain healthy boundaries…and refusing to pursue their own dreams, goals, and ambitions." 

Be the change!


Taking the first step is an act of courage for you and your love life.

“Over Achievers” use their professional ambitions to mask the pain they feel in their souls and achieve some modicum of validation through their external accomplishments and accolades to outwardly prove their self-worth to society but they can't figure why they can't achieve love."

You can have the love that you desire.

New  Portfolio Website 2021  purple back
photos by Aleksandr Karjaka
Styling by Tavia Sharp
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